SAVE THE DATE:  5th Annual DOP Greek High Tea Social and Fundraiser - MAY 17, 2025


Photos from June 1, 2024


Thank you to our Hostesses who made the  2023 Daughters of Penelope Tea a success
Kathy Dayton, Nikki Feister, Maria Hatjopoulos, Joan Lagios, Agnes   Mannos, Yurie Pauls, Lyndsey Tsiopos,Linda   Walker (1-8)

Thank You to our  Fellow Ahepans for helping to set up, serve,  and clean up (img-3736)

Thank you to Agnes Mannos for organizing the Raffle, and to all the Daughters that donated (20230513-091354)



2022 High Tea Fundraiser



2021 High Tea Fundraiser

The Daughters of Penelope, Elis Chapter 89, Reno Nevada held a Fundraiser/Entertainment High Tea on May 22, 2021. It was a grand success. 38 women attended. We raised $906 for our Scholarship and General Operating Funds. Thank you to Yurie Pauls and Kathy Loper who were our Chairpersons, you did a fantastic job.


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